Jinno wali masjid of rampur built mosque within one night – News18 Hindi

Anju Prajapati/Rampur: In India you will find many such temples and mosques, whose history is hundreds of years old. One such mosque exists in Rampur and is considered one of the holiest places by Muslims. The ghosts always haunt the sleeves here. The wishes of all the people who come here are also fulfilled. The history of this mosque is also very old.

A large number of devotees gather at the Jinn Wali Masjid in Rampur on Thursdays. People from half of India come to visit the mosque and get the honor of this Astana. In this Dargah, the process of donating Chadar continues throughout the day.

The mosque was built in one night
According to Munne Mian, the very ancient mosque in Kosi bridge Mansoorpur is famous by the name of Jinnat Wali Masjid. There are more than twenty mosques in the city. But, among all these, it is considered to be one of the oldest mosques of Rampur. The Imam of the mosque says that this mosque was built by the jinns in a single night. People come here from long distances and make wishes.

People of every religion and religion come here to pay obeisance.
It looks completely different from other mosques. It was built in a single night by the Jinnas about two hundred and fifty to three hundred years ago. His fifth generation is employed in this mosque. India exemplifies communal harmony in different ways. One such example can be seen in our Rampur city. People of every religion and religion come here to pay obeisance.

Tags: Local18, Rampur news

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